What is Birkman Certificaton?

As a Birkman Certified counselor, Julie Spak utilizes the Birkman method to help students and professionals focus on what they want to achieve. The Birkman Method personalizes coaching to help clients navigate blind spots and stressors while focusing on more productive behaviors.
The Birkman Method is built on a foundation of robust, scientifically valid data that lends precision, objectivity, and credibility to every coaching conversation.
Julie has completed over 2,000 Birkman consultations and each one is unique. She helps move students and young professionals closer to their career paths and aspirations.
Understanding the Birkman Method
Are you in college or a recent graduate who is looking for career guidance?
The Birkman assessment is a fabulous, data-driven tool to uncover your strengths and identify your interests and wiring, all while using current career information to guide you toward a career path that fits.
The college admissions process continues to become more competitive and complicated. Students are expected to pick a pathway, a major, and a career before they graduate from high school, creating undue pressure on the student and the family. Then the family may spend thousands of dollars on tutoring and test prep so their student will have high grades and test scores. While this helps a student get into college, until the student has a clear pathway with clearly defined goals and interests, it is literally, "putting the cart before the horse."
Some parents share advice given if their student is ‘good at math’, he/she is automatically told, “Oh, you should be an engineer!” There seems to be no thought given to the student’s personality and interests and if they are the right ‘fit’ for engineering. Many other avenues exist for a person with strengths in math!
A better way to guide your
student. BIRKMAN assessments help define your
student's strengths and also match their personality
and passion for different career paths.
When was the last time you paused
long enough to sit with your
teen and brainstorm their
strengths, interests, personality,
needs - and figured out “Who am I?”
My counseling, which incorporates the
Birkman Method helps students, and young
professionals define who they really
are and what types of careers they are
best suited for.
There is no more guessing!
The Birkman Method assessment is an empirical instrument designed to help us accurately answer, “Who am I?” or “What is my identity?”
Birkman goes deeper than the behavior of most inventories. It also identifies the needs and potential stressors so clients are better equipped to manage their decisions and situations.
- Anxiety is a real issue with teens and working professionals!
- Best career fit is also impacted.
Next, we address the elements of potential majors. The Birkman Interest Report is based on careers that guide students toward a major that is a true ‘fit.’
Birkman integrates Behavior scores AND Interest scores to identify "Job Families" that align.
As a Birkman consultant and an academic counselor, I will address the student’s grades and level of courses associated with prospective majors and career paths.
NOW, the college planning conversation is on track.
College is too competitive and expensive to ignore the primary person involved, your teen! Before you begin the college list and fret over where your student will ‘get in’, make the investment to help them (and you) know: “Who am I?”
When is the best time to get a Birkman Assessment for college planning?
I believe it is helpful to take the Birkman Assessment as a sophomore in high school, and junior year is also a good time for the assessment and planning phase. Keep in mind the college application process is competitive and identifying interests and major choice is helpful as your student and family begin the college search.
Also, note that students generally start applying for college during the summer after their Junior year. The most competitive colleges and universities will have early application deadlines beginning in October of senior year.
The journey continues…Know YOURSELF.